Archaeologist John Sorenson created a leading proposal for Book of Mormon geography. His text-first to real-world correspondence approach built a Mesoamerican model still impacting Book of Mormon researchers decades later in his land mark publications An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon and Mormon's Codex.
Map Key:
Site description includes Book of Mormon references with standard versification.
Site Description reference marks:
AAS = An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon
MC = Mormon's Codex

Book of Mormon location with a specific corresponding archaeological site reference.

Book of Mormon location with corresponding archaeological data, but no specifically named/featured archaeological site to reference.

Book of Mormon location with no noted correspondence. Just a general geographic reference and/or landscape description.

Book of Mormon "Hill" or even "Tower" with corresponding geographic location.

Book of Mormon water body with corresponding geographic location.

Book of Mormon geographic location related to a journey or travelers.